Pubg mobile is one of the most popular game in all over world. Players always excited for the pubg mobile new update.
That is why you need to stick till the end of article, so you can get all information about pubg mobile new update
Guys this gun looks small but M416 and this gun have similar damage rate. It will put great impact in game when this gun hits the ground.
So far Pubg mobile new update looks pretty good in beta version. Officials introduce lots of things in this update.
That is why you need to stick till the end of article, so you can get all information about pubg mobile new update
- First of all their is a new gun which come in this update
Most importantly this gun will available in all maps of pubg and I used this gun in beta version it looks fantastic.
- New TDM map The Ruins
I know you guys love the TDM because you can improve your skill and TDM match give high action game in less time.
Now pubg mobile give the bigger version of TDM map. It is set in the Ruins.
In this map their is no fix point where players respawn after death. Players randomly respawn on the map.
Lots other new features are coming in this map and it will improve the skills of player.
- Pubg mobile also giving a new female character for player. It is similar like victor.
Her name is Sara and she also has a special power and her powers only be used in the Evo ground matchs because pubg want to maintain fair gameplay for every player
- New skins, car and season
We all know season about to end on 7th and pubg will introduce new season on 9th till 1 jan in this season lot of cool things are coming.
New skin of m249 is also coming as a tier reward of diamond. Which looks fabulous. With red and black colour combination and s10 logo on the magazine.
New car is also coming to replace the Dercya in vikendi map. It is similar to Dercya you guys can look how cool it is. Their will be lot of fun to use this car
Ace tier parachute also looks pretty good. I know you guys always want to reach in the ace in every season to get that parachute because you want to showoff among friends.
Season 10 ace tier parachute looks fabulous in pubg mobile new update
Hope you guys like this new article. Peace
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