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Video Gaming news || New PlayStation Portable || Gta 6 coming only on PS5

Hey guys welcome to the video gaming news EP 1.

Today we are going to talk about some interesting news came this week like new PlayStation portable
,Gta 6 is only coming on Ps5 and Death stranding sales.

Let's start this episode.

  • Recently Sony filed the new patent, this parent's show that Sony is working on cartridges that looks like a memory card. 

    We all know that Sony previously use memory cards in very first two PlayStation consoles. At that time these memory cards work to save the progress of game. 
     Now Reddit posts says that Sony is working on new PlayStation portable and Sony is going to use that patent cartridges in the new PlayStation portable. 

Sony recently shut down the Ps Vita production and they are not giving any free games in PS plus membership for ps Vita 

There is high possibility that Sony is going to showcase the new PS portable with next generation consoles. 

We need wait for that time, hopefully new portable console run the high end games. 

So guys let me know in comments what you guys think about that.  

  • Next video gaming news coming from the GTA 6 and new PlayStation 5 
  Recently a new information leaked from somewhere and they are saying that new GTA 6 is going to exclusive for PS5 for one month. 

We all are well aware that Rockstar always released game exclusively only on consoles later on they released on PC. We see this trend in all rockstar games. 

Now Sony taking it to the next level and they are giving huge amount money to rockstar to make it only available for PS5 for one month. 

it going to boost the sales of PS5 because we all GTA's popularity is huge worldwide and it give carving to gTA's player to play it first. 

I think ps5 and GTA 6 are going to release on the same day. If this information comes true. 


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